Open-Ended Journey

Experimental preservation | Palazzo Farnese

Piacenza, Italy | 2021

heritage; museum design, landscape design, urban design, public space, infrastructure design

This project is highly based on the ideologies of experimental preservationists, who usually consider the dangerous possibility of failure, something to avoid when working on valuable historical and cultural objects.

Set in Piacenza, the project opens from Palazzo Farnese and drifting experiments of ‘drawing out of memory” by walking in different contexts; contemplates new urban environmental strategies to experience the northern part of the city to the river Po; and sort of ends again at the provoking preservation of Palazzo Farnese, a XV century grandiose palace in Piacenza.

A thorough research on Jacopo Barozzi or also known as Vignola's magnificent design in mid-1500s and on the old Visconti Citadel ruins assumed to be constructed in the 14th century, along with a series of exercises and studies upon the complex clash between building styles and periods, were conducted to obtain an experimental extension museum building to the existing palace as well as to redesign the surrounding areas of Piazza Casali-Cittadella and Arena Daturi.

Collaborators: Edera Kana, Diandra Zahra, Jiawei Zheng

Open-Ended Journey

Experimental preservation | Palazzo Farnese

Piacenza, Italy | 2021

heritage; museum design, landscape design, urban design, public space, infrastructure design