Between Ages

Mixed-Use Residential Architecture in Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain | 2020

residential, landscape design, urban design, public space

As the world is becoming older each year, the complexity of generations keeps increasing in terms of housing and everyday life. Especially in the case of Spain, population of which, is believed to become one of the oldest in Europe by 2030. Therefore, this project tends to create a diverse habitat for people of all generations, by primarily focusing on breaking the usual stereotypes of age, race, gender, profession, social status and so on, by designing an environment for all and by promoting living together. There are four main layers that compose the newly designed neighbourhood and integrate it within the context:

  1. Challenging topography and fascinating natural environment, two advantages carefully used in design;
  2. A well-structured mobility system of new roads and soft mobility corresponding with existing infrastructures;
  3. A range of new public and semi-public spaces which encourages the social aspect of the site, a rich economy which is obtained by many retail, commercial areas on the ground floors and separate blocks;
  4. The multi-functional housing blocks that are relatively shaped and designed following sustainability principles, with a high consideration to the “design for all” approach and the pure tendency for people living in “between ages”.

When it comes to buildings, mixed-use housing is designed in 5 blocks for senior citizens and students, providing a large number of apartments starting with 1 bedroom apartments to 3 bedroom apartments. There are also duplex apartments for all ages, whereas each apartment features at least one large balcony which can be closed during the winter (winter-garden). Each floor has access to public semi-open spaces through the buildings which can be used for urban agriculture and social integration. Additionally, parts of the roof are used as gardens while the rest will be used for PV panels. In terms of facade materials, plaster is used along with wooden brise-soleil present on balconies and large glazings for shading purposes.

Collaborators: Haroon Umar, Negin Fazel, Tara Ghesmati & Salma Sajadi

Between Ages

Mixed-Use Residential Architecture in Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain | 2020

residential, landscape design, urban design, public space